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Members of the 人类繁荣联盟 at Saint 路易斯大学 represent a wide array of disciplines such as education, psychology, philosophy, public health, 社会学与护理学. We have joined for the common purpose of promoting human flourishing. One of the main goals of the 博彩网址大全 consortium is to engage and disseminate scholarship on flourishing that will positively impact the comprehensive well-being of individuals 和社区. 




仙露查图尔维迪博士.D., is an assistant professor in the 教育学院 at Saint 路易斯大学. Her area of interest includes flourishing/overall well-being in the context of education 包括k -12学前教育和高等教育. 查图维迪获得了博士学位.D. 在课程 and Instruction, with a specialization in special education from the University of 阿肯色州.

"Schools and universities provide a natural context to promote students’ flourishing. I am interested in investigating practices and policies that can enable schools and universities to actively foster the flourishing of their students and that of the 广大社区. 更特别的是,我对设计学校和大学很感兴趣 curricula to promote flourishing — both at the individual and community level."


Joanne Kraenzle Schneider博士.D., R.N.

Joanne Kraenzle Schneider博士.D., R.N.她在健康心理学方面有专长. 她最初开始了她的研究项目 with National Institute of Health funding for exercise in older adults. 实现 that dietary behaviors are also very important, she incorporated dietary interventions 她的研究活动. 最近,她将自己的个人经历与 健康的整体观点包括人类的繁荣. 她也带来了她的研究 expertise in psychometric analysis and meta-analysis as well as biomedical ethics. 


惠特尼·林森迈耶博士.D., R.D., L.D.

惠特尼·林森迈耶博士.D., R.D., L.D., is an assistant professor and the DPD director in the Department of Nutrition and 博彩网址大全营养学教授. 她是博彩网址大全的三届校友 with a Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Culinary Arts, a Master of Science in Nutrition and Culinary Entrepreneurship, a doctoral degree in higher education 政府. Her research and clinical practice centers on nutrition care for the 变性人. 她对营养护理的独特作用充满热情 plays in the health and well-being of transgender and non-binary individuals.

她是如何与繁荣联系起来的: 食物既是营养又是日常乐趣. 我对营养学和烹饪的兴趣 came from the realization that it simply feels good to eat well, both in mind and body. For those that love food, the whole body benefits of a healthy diet and the 享受食物是繁荣的必要条件.




威廉·雷格,S.J. 是一名哲学教授,即将完成他最后一年的 dean of the College of Philosophy and Letters at Saint 路易斯大学. 他收到了 他的Ph值.D. from Northwestern University and has written in the areas of ethical-political theory, argumentation theory, science and technology studies, computer ethics, 耶稣会精神.

 "My interest in flourishing arises out of its connection with ethics and the good 社会. In the Aristotelian-Thomistic tradition, the idea of the common good refers to a just 社会 whose institutions provide the means and opportunities for each person to flourish as a free and unique individual in relationships of mutual respect. Much of my research has focused on spelling out the concrete implications of that 这是当今科技社会的理想选择."



丹·海布伦博士.D.西奥多·R. 维塔利C.P. 圣 路易斯大学. 他获得了博士学位。.D. 罗格斯大学哲学专业. 他的研究 focuses on ethics and the philosophy of psychology, with an emphasis on well-being, 以及政治哲学中的相关问题. 他发表了许多文章 在这些领域. 2015年,他获得了5美元的奖金.为一个为期三年的项目拨款100万美元, Happiness and Well-Being: Integrating Research Across the Disciplines, funded by the 约翰邓普顿基金会和博彩网址大全. 他是《博彩网址大全》一书的作者 of Unhappiness: The Elusive Psychology of Well-Being (Oxford University Press, 2008), and Happiness: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2013).

他如何与繁荣联系起来:  "My work touches on a wide range of topics, both philosophical and scientific, relating 富足. This includes, more narrowly, the psychological condition of happiness or emotional well-being, more broadly, the good life, of which flourishing is 一个方面. It also includes questions about the measurement of well-being and its 追求与提升. 我曾说过,人类的心理不适合 individualized pursuit of happiness; for the most part, flourishing is a social question, 而我们目前应对这一问题的手段正在失效. 人类面临的中心任务, in my view, is to build a civilization that serves the flourishing of human beings 自然环境也一样."

埃里克·梅西亚斯,m.m.D., Ph.D.

埃里克·梅西亚斯,m.m.D., Ph.D.

Erick 弥赛亚 was born and raised in Brazil, where he completed medical school and practiced family medicine in rural areas before moving to Baltimore for residency 培训. He completed a psychiatry residency at the University of Maryland, in 2001, and preventive medicine 培训 at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in 2003. While at Hopkins he also received a master's in public health and a Ph.D. 精神流行病学. 自毕业以来,他一直在他的大学担任学术职务 alma mater in Brazil, later in Georgia and 阿肯色州, where he was medical director of the Walker Family Clinic and responsible for the House 工作人员 Mental Health Service at the University of 阿肯色州 for Medical Sciences (UAMS) in Little Rock. Dr. 弥赛亚 served as VP and medical director for Beacon Health Options, overseeing the mental 接受阿肯色州医疗补助计划的人获得的医疗保健. 在UAMS,他还担任助理 dean for faculty affairs and was the inaugural program director for the Baptist-UAMS 精神病学住院医师项目. Dr. 弥赛亚在科学期刊上发表了超过45篇论文, has published several book chapters, edited a volume on schizophrenia for psychiatrists and a textbook on Positive Psychiatry, Psychology and Psychotherapy. 他还发起了 and was editor-in-chief of the medical literary journal Medicine and Meaning. Dr. 弥赛亚获得了许多研究和教学奖项. 他目前 the chair of psychiatry at the Saint 路易斯大学 School of Medicine. 

他是如何与繁荣联系起来的: "After many years caring for persons with mental disorders, it is clear that they 他们想要的不仅仅是症状的缓解——他们和我们所有人一样,想要蓬勃发展. 因此,我的工作 as a psychiatrist is now more than diagnosis and treatment of mental disorder also 包括关于幸福、繁荣和意义的对话."